About the Gingerbread Game

This new game idea came in the middle of the night during a coughing fit while I was browsing random free assets on the Unreal Engine marketplace. I saw a fun Christmas asset pack, and a gingerbread avatar pack (that was not free) and the idea developed from there. I talked to a friend who is a programmer what he thought and he was really excited about it. So I wrote the initial idea into a short 3 page document. Then two days later I woke up in the morning with an explosion of ideas for how the game will work, how it will look, and a multi-phase release from minimim viable product to full immersion content. The design document grew to 17 pages. That same day I talked to an artist friend about the gingerbread house idea who showed me how he can make a 3D model of environment art from an AI image in less than 3 hours, and I was encouraged that we could really get this game started quickly if we had funding for it.

I generated some quick AI art to help illustrate the design document. And I sent out some emails to contact candy companies to see if anyone would be interested in sponsoring our new project. The Lord has given me some exciting ideas how I think it will be mutually beneficial for them as well as for us so that we can get this game made faster.

Are you interested in advertising with us? Check out this post over here!

Then the next night, in the middle of the night again while up with pain, I added another two pages with ideas for how to add marketing features for sponsor companies, and the initial UI design, and some gameplay experience design. I’m excited to include some meaningful gameplay where the player will learn how to actually make gingerbread cookies, and how to decorate them. Advertisers will have the opportunity to include coupons to expand the marketing of their real world candies that players will use in the game.

As we continue to develop the game design, and work on the content, we are continuing to seek sponsors and advertisers as well to fund our work. If you have a candy or cookie product that you would like to advertise in our game, please contact us!