Advertise with Us!

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We have some exciting advertising opportunities for companies to partner with us. Here are some of the ideas we have for including in-game advertising that doesn’t feel like an ad. Do you have a different idea? We are open to suggestions! Please contact us.

Premium Splash Screen – this is a full screen image of your company logo that will be shown to the players as one of our top sponsors when the game loads. It will play right after our company logo. This premium space is very limited and priced accordingly.

Brand Name Content – when players use a candy to decorate their cookie, they will see your company’s brand name candy instead of a generic name for that type of candy. This also works for cookie cutter kits, if your company sells cookie cutters, we can use your brand in the menu options so they will see it every time they use that kit.

User Generated Coupons – when a player uses your brand name candy (or cookie cutter, or other brand name item) a certain number of times, for example they use the same candy 10 times while decorating their cookie, they will get a coupon (for example a 10% off on a single package of candy) that they can take to their local grocery store to purchase your actual product in the real world.

Website Link – We can offer space on our website to sponsors who contribute to our game development. We have a one time payment option, or a subscription option for spreading your advertising budget over time.